Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Sincere Thank YOU from the Elk Grove Food Bank

Although the reasons for hunger are complicated, feeding a family or individual in need is not. Donations of food and funds are vital to the Elk Grove Food Bank Services and comprise 80% of our total resources.  We are providing more meals than ever imagined, especially to seniors and children!  Without the support of hundreds of donors blessing us with their gifts, many plates would be empty at the holidays and throughout the year...Over the past six months we have seen a 25% increase in the number of individuals and families who use our services. Every month, more than 4,300 of our neighbors rely on us, a number that continues to rise. Eighty-seven percent of our clients are Elk Grove residents and thirteen percent are from surrounding areas in South County.

Each year, hundreds of volunteers work tirelessly at the Food Bank because they believe in our mission.  Many volunteers value the hands-on experience of packing food boxes for seniors, delivering food to the home-bound medically fragile, stocking shelves, repacking bulk food, sorting fresh produce or packing mixed groceries that will be distributed to families and individuals.  Others give their time as volunteer members of our board and serve on fundraising events.

The Elk Grove Food Bank Services could not accomplish our community service without the tremendous support from so many; our board of directors, staff, our diligent network of partner agencies and grocery stores and our committed donors and volunteers. Your compassion and your gifts have enriched the lives of many!  

"Giving is an expression of gratitude for our blessings."

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