Does anyone see me?
Do I look homeless, God, I hope not. There is just so much humiliation I can take. But, for my children, I must.
I know we smell, its been days since we’ve changed our clothes, the storage is locked, late again. Can I do this? Can I last much longer, for the children, I must.
Does anyone see me?
I’m so cold. The security guard at Winco doesn’t care that we just bought some food, he wants us out. His comment of ‘you fit the profile’ hurt me to my core, even though I tried to laugh it off with, “you mean short and cute?” It’s raining and I’m so cold. Doesn’t anybody care?
Does anybody see me?
I can’t spend my check, I need it for the house that is coming soon. It just needs to be inspected, we’re almost there, hang on, for the children. But we’re so cold and the pits of our stomachs cry out for food. For the children, I break down and we eat, and I pay for one more night in a motel. It’s Christmas.
I call for help and everyone just gives me more numbers. Telling me to call the agency that just gave me their number. I think it makes them feel better. Is there anybody out there that cares?
It has been three months of feeling scared, hungry and alone. Hopelessness is creeping in. None of our friends want to answer my calls - they don’t want to say ‘no’. No, you can’t sleep on our floor one more night.
The searing pain in my back cripples me. The backpack seems to weigh more with each step. Memories of the night before, huddled with my little ones on a concrete floor in a park bathroom live on in the pain. Does anyone care?
Does anyone see me?
Hang on for the children, try and make life ’normal’, a game.
Their teachers don’t understand why homework is not turned in. They are punished because their backpacks are locked in storage. Don’t humiliate the children, their teachers can’t know. We’ll get through this, right?
As the rain beats down on us and the wind blows, I’m relieved. The kids can’t see my tears or hear my gasps for air.
Does anyone see me?
Does anyone care?
We do, if you need us, please call: PATH (People Assisting the Homeless)916-525-5285