Our long-time sponsors, O. C. Communications, scheduled a visit with us on Tuesday. We looked forward to touring our new facilities and explaining the operations and reach of our programs.
We saw our Support Works program in action. Our program manager explained the different aspects of Support Works: Job Training, Support Group (for women), and Parenting Classes. She also spoke about the program’s success rate and the introduced the qualified and devoted volunteers connected to the program.
Our warehouse area was filled with busy volunteers working to fill a record number of client requests for food and turkeys. They also saw our shelves nearly full of canned food. We explained that the majority of food drives are held in the fall, that these were the results of recent food drives, and that we hoped these stores would last until May 2011.
We made our way to the Clothes Closet to see clients selecting warm clothing and volunteers assisting them. We pointed out our “Career Corner” where clothing that is suitable for an interview or for starting back to work is kept.
After the tour, we were presented a very generous and unexpected donation. We wiped away our tears, and thanked O. C. Communications for blessing EG Food Bank Services with their faithful support.
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