Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Job Readiness Training

Our highly successful Job Readiness Training Program serves the growing number of people looking to enter the workforce.  Volunteers work with clients on honing and refining their job search efforts during classes on Tuesday mornings. 

Our Job Readiness Training has successfully assisted clients back to work.  Our volunteers have prior work experience in the Human Resource field, and have inside knowledge to assist clients back into the workforce. 

Job Readiness Training is held on Tuesday mornings, from 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon at Elk Grove Food Bank Services, 9820 Dino Drive, Suite 140, Elk Grove, CA  95624. 

What:  Job Readiness Training

When:  Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Where:  9820 Dino Drive, Suite 140

            Elk Grove, CA  95624

More Info:  916-685-8453

Second Annual Free Resource Fair

The second annual Free Resource Fair will be held on Wednesday, May 8, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Businesses, Government agencies and non-profit organizations with information about the following topics will be participating:  Health Resources, Creative Resourcing, Employment, Utility Information, Budgeting Resources, Housing, Meals, Senior Resources, Emotional Well-being and more.  Our Resource Fair is open to all residents of our Elk Grove Community. 

What:  Free Resource Fair

Where:  9820 Dino Drive, Suite 140

            Elk Grove, CA  95624
When:  Wednesday, May 8, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

More Info:  Renee @ Elk Grove Food Bank Services, 916-685-8453

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Needs at the Clothes Closet

At our last staff meeting, Susan, our Clothes Closet Manager, told us of the need for Men's Shirts, Men's Pants (larger sizes) and Children's Shoes (toddler to elementary school sizes). 

Susan and her volunteers are seeing a rise in need for these types of clothing.  So if you are doing some Spring cleaning, our clients will make good use of your donations. 

Our warehouse is open for donations Mondays through Fridays, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  Thanks. 

Starbucks Volunteers Continue Work at EGFBS

In the group photo (not in the correct order):  Heather, Taylor, Dave, Sam, Arlene and Stephanie. 

Every month for almost a year these dedicated volunteers from Starbucks come to help EGFBS in our warehouse.  These wonderful people assemble the food boxes that we transport to our clients who live in the far corners of Elk Grove:  migrant farm workers in the Franklin area, and low-income seniors at the Seasons apartments.  

This month they assembled 170 boxes in two hours!  Starbucks came to get the job done.  It was very difficult to get them to stop work for a moment for the group photo.

Thanks, Starbucks, for your dedication and service.  Your work helps us bring food to clients who live remotely and are without transportation to our facility on Dino Drive.  

If your group or business would like to take on a project, like Starbucks did, contact our volunteer coordinator, Deb, at (916) 685-8453. 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Pet Food

Like anyone who has been “adopted” by their furry kids, the clients of Elk Grove Food Bank love their pets.  For some of our clients, their pet is their only source of companionship.  As more families struggle with the difficult choices of paying the rent or buying food, some are forced to choose between keeping their pet and putting food on the table.

For families that can't afford to feed their pets, the consequences are greater than just an empty stomach. When families must choose what to cut from their grocery lists, pets often suffer the most. Families can be torn apart, simply because there's not enough money to buy pet food. Consequently, many family pets will be surrendered to already overburdened shelters, and many more will be abandoned.

Sometimes a simple bowl of kibble is the force that keeps a family together and saves the lives of precious pets. Helping families stay together and keep their pets during times of economic hardship is crucial, not only for the family but also for our community. Like humans, animals deserve the basic necessities in life.

If you are able, please consider donating pet food (cat or dog) to Elk Grove Food Bank Services.  The hungry pets in our community and their families thank you. 

 We are open to accept donations Monday – Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Elk Grove Food Bank Services, 9820 Dino Drive, Suite 140, Elk Grove, CA  95624, 916-685-8453


Heartwarming Thanks

We received, through email, a note of thanks from one of our clients.  This short, sweet note made everyone smile. 
Today, I received food from your food bank and I am just blown away! Each time I go to your bank, I am surprised; however, today was unbelievable: chicken, fruit, vegetables, bread, flowers, can food, box food, just wonderful! Then, my cat also sends her thanks as I don’t buy her can food and today she had a feast. So, Annie and I both thank you from two senior citizens.